In the mid sixties, James became a member of the popular ABC television show, Shindig. Originally known as The Shindiggers, by 1965 the Shindogs had quickly evolved into the main line-up of:
Glen D. Hardin (piano),
Chuck Blackwell (drums),
Joey Cooper (guitar, vocals),
Delaney Bramlett (guitar, vocals, bass) and
James Burton (lead guitar).Burton remained with the show untill the shows end in January of 1966. The Shindogs recorded two singles with James.
Together with the Shindogs, James also appeared on The Patty Duke Show: “Partying Is Such Sweet Sorrow” Sep-29-65. When Patty learns that Richard is going to a record hop without her, she decides to throw a party the same night-with live music. Patty sings “I’m Henry VIII, I Am” and “Funny Little Butterflies,” a song from her movie “Billie”. The Shindogs perform “Hard Rock” and “Rock On.”
Howlin’ Wolf
Legends of Rock ‘n’ Roll
Patty Duke – I’m Henry the VIII, I Am
Donna Loren – I’m Ready